How to use Mounjaro Kwikpen? – A Step by Step Guide

How to use Mounjaro Kwikpen? – A Step by Step Guide

22 / Aug

Many individuals find the idea of self-administering medication through injection quite intimidating, largely due to a common fear of needles. 

However, the following guide is designed to help you understand the process of injection and how to use the medication correctly, ensuring that you achieve the desired outcomes.


What is the Mounjaro KwikPen?

The Mounjaro KwikPen is a prefilled injection pen approved for the treatment of adults with type 2 diabetes and for weight management in adults with a BMI of 30 kg/m² or higher (obesity).

Adults over the age of 18 years with type 2 diabetes are eligible for Mounjaro Kwikpen injection.


How to Use Mounjaro Kiwik Pen?

Before each use, verify the following:

  • The medication name and dosage align with your prescription.
  • The KwikPen is not expired or damaged.
  • The medicine has not been frozen.
  • The solution is clear to slightly yellow in colour.
  • The medicine is free of particles and is not cloudy or discoloured.

Selecting and Preparing the Injection Site

  •  Self-injection can be done in the stomach or thigh areas, or by someone else in the back of the upper arm.
  •  Rotate injection sites to prevent infection and lumps, avoiding the exact same spot each time.
  •  When injecting into the stomach, maintain a distance of at least 2 inches from the belly button.



Steps for Administering the Medication

Step 1 – Prepare the Pen  

  • Remove the pen cap and clean the red inner seal with a swab.
  • Select a new pen needle, remove the paper tab from the outer needle shield, and securely attach the needle to the pen by twisting it on tightly.
  • Remove the outer needle shield (and set it aside for later use) and dispose of the inner needle shield in a household bin.

Step 2 – Prime the Pen  

  •  Rotate the dose knob until you hear two clicks and see the extended line in the dose window.
  • With the needle pointing upwards, gently tap the cartridge holder to move any air bubbles to the top.
  • Release some medicine into the air by pressing the dose knob until it stops, holding it for a slow count of five, and ensuring the “0” icon appears in the dose window.
  • If no medication is released during priming, repeat the process up to two additional times. Do not inject this priming dose into your body.

Step 3 – Administer the Injection

  • Turn the dose knob until it stops and the “1” icon appears in the dose window.
  • Insert the needle into your selected injection site.
  • Administer the medication by pressing the dose knob until it stops, then slowly count to five while holding the dose knob.
  • Ensure the “0” icon is displayed in the dose window before withdrawing the needle from your skin.

Step 4 – After Injection 

  • If a small amount of blood appears, gently press the injection site with a cotton ball without rubbing.
  • Carefully replace the outer needle shield, unscrew the capped needle, and dispose of it in a sharps container.
  • Replace the pen cap, ensuring it is securely on, and never store the pen with the needle attached.
  •  After use, store the pen at room temperature (up to 30°C) for no more than 30 days, away from direct sunlight, heat, and out of reach of children.


What makes Mounjaro stand out from other available medications for weight loss?

Mounjaro stands out from other weight loss medications due to its unique mechanism of action.

According to research, Mounjaro is the first medication that targets both GIP and GLP-1 hormones to treat type 2 diabetes, obesity, and a liver condition called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

It targets two key hormones that regulate blood sugar: GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide-1) and GIP (Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide). This dual-target approach enhances its effectiveness in promoting weight loss, offering an advantage over medications that focus on only one of these hormones.

Mounjaro is known to be more beneficial for people who are undertaking a weight loss journey.  According to clinical trials, adults were able to lose  up to 22.5% of their weight after 72 weeks.


Get Mounjaro Private Prescription Online

To get a private prescription for Mounjaro,  fill an online consultation form with our healthcare professionals at The Care Pharmacy Weight Loss Clinic.

Following your consultation, your weight loss medication will be conveniently delivered to your doorstep at no additional cost, eliminating the need to visit the pharmacy in person.



How should I store mounjaro kwikpen?

Before using your Mounjaro KwikPen, confirm it is stored properly. Unused pens should be refrigerated between 2°C and 8°C. After the initial use, the pen may be stored at room temperature (up to 30°C) for a maximum of 30 days.

How many doses of kwikpen are there?

The Mounjaro KwikPen is pre-set with four fixed doses, each to be administered weekly. 

Detailed instructions for using the KwikPen are included in the Instructions for Use within the package and are also provided below. Be sure to read the Instructions for Use thoroughly before administering the KwikPen.

Can I share my Mounjaro Kwikpen with other people?

Do not share your Mounjaro KwikPen with others, even if the needle has been replaced, as this could lead to serious infections for both you and the other person. 

How long does a Mounjaro Kwikpen last?

Mounjaro KwikPen – the pen comes pre-filled with 4 doses, designed to last 4 weeks

What are the common mistakes for Mounjaro Kwikpens?

Needle reuse can bend or break the tip and decrease lubrication, resulting in a more painful injection. Once a new needle is attached, educate patients about appropriately removing needle caps.

How do I know if I injected Mounjaro correctly?

The presence of the grey plunger lets you know that you’ve completed the injection correctly. If the grey plunger isn’t visible in the pen, reach out to your prescriber or read the instructions. 

How do I dispose of the used Kwikpen?

If you’ve injected your 4th dose from the pen, the pen (not the needle) can be disposed of in your regular household bin, or taken to a local pharmacy for disposal

What are the risks involved in reusing needles?

Reusing needles involves several risks:

  •  Bacterial Growth:
    • Reusing needles can lead to bacterial contamination, increasing the risk of infections at the injection site.
  •  Increased Pain:
    •  Reused needles may become dull or damaged, potentially causing more pain or discomfort during injection.
  •  Lipohypertrophy:
    •  Repeated use of the same injection site can result in lipohypertrophy, a condition where lumps form under the skin due to fatty tissue buildup.
  •  Needle Breakage:
    •  The fine tip of a needle that is used multiple times may become weakened and could break off, posing a risk of injury or complications.
Written by:
  • Uzma Aslam
Medically reviewed by:
  • Mohammed Ismail Lakhi
Verified by:
  • Muhammed Luqman Asghar

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